In case you didn't know, Amazon will pay you to recommend their products.
If you're going to link to a product anyway, why not take credit?
You can get registered to their affiliation program for free by clicking here. Amazon provides all sorts of fancy tools and flashy widgets to help you
advertise their products, but creating a basic URL through their web
interface isn't straightforward. These are few of the hints:
If you would like to link directly to an item's detail page using a simple text link, use the following format to construct your links:Here is One of the wish list you can have a look at by clicking.
To make this link functional, replace "ASIN" with the 10-digit ISBN or ASIN of the product, and replace "your_Associates_ID" with your Associates ID or tracking ID. However, you would not be able to link to a search results page on
If you would like to link to the homepage, you can use the following format:
To make this link functional, replace "your_Associates_ID" with your Associates ID or tracking ID.
An item's ISBN/ASIN is listed on the item's detail page. For example, follow the link below, and then scroll down to the section labeled Product Details to find the ISBN (0439434866) for "Harry Potter Paperback Boxed Set."