Sunday, January 18, 2009

Books Review

1. You can win - This one by Shiv Khera describes strategies to achieve success in different dimensions of life. It has chapters on attitude, succes, motivation, self esteem, interpersonal skills, Subconscious mind & habits, Goal setting & lastly on Values & Vision. I liked the way principles are explained by giving examples.

2. Celebrating Love - This one by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (founder of Art of Living group) is kind of archive of the speeches given by him on various topics surrounding human senses, desires, various emotions, feelings, spiritual values etc. Its more kind of introvert & leads to the root on every subject. Its one of the best book which I've come across.

3. The Power of Positive Thinking - This one by Norman Vincent Peale has really small fonts but lists big principles to cultivate brain with positivity & channelise brain's positive energy towards bringing happiness & success in life.

4. Seven habits of highly successful people- This one by Stephen Covey is one of the best selling book & I personally liked all the principles described there. It made lots of sense to me & principles worked for me in practical life.

5. First Things first - Again by Stephen Covey & one of the best book on time management. Check out my posted article on same subject:

6. Rich Dad Poor Dad - Good book on money management... Can be downloaded from

7. Millionaire next door - Good book on money management

8. The book of understanding - By Osho

9. Blink - By Malcolm Gladwell (Its about capturing what comes in mind spontaneously when you come across new person/situaion... I've applied its principle once while bidding for a project & got saved from dealing with fraud party..)

10. Tough times never last but tough people do! -by Robert Schuller

11. How to win friends & influence people - by Dale Carnegie
Extracts of this book can be found at
Extracts of his other books can be found at

12. Inside your mind - by Louise Snyder Johnson

13. Think & Grow Rich -

14. Brain building for achievement -

15. Optimizing the Organization - by Subhash Khare - This one is on unleashing the potential of practices, processes & people in organization to increase productivity. I guess the author works for Wipro. This one is really pretty cool book & meant for implementing principles practically. Author seems very genius who has put up all his practical learning of n no. of years in this book.

16. Business the Bill Gates Way - by Des Dearlove -

17. Black holes & baby universes - by Stephen Hawking - Despite of his disability, Professor Hawking has contributed best books on universe & time. His book on "A brief history of time" was one of the best seller & this one covers some interesting areas of origin of universe, black holes , Quantum mechanics of black holes & future of universe.

18. Beginning ASP.Net 1.1 E-Commerce: From Novice to Professional- by Cristian Darie - Its good book to start with learning e-commerce implementation using .Net technologies. (ASP.Net) with SQL Server. Take sample codes from (visit downloads section for this book) . It has stored procedure code for retrieving page wise records.

19. EXAM CRAM2 series for Developing & Implementing windows-based applications with VB.Net & VS.Net - by Kalani (Red cover book) - Unlike other .Net books, I found this to be very much to the point kinda book. If you want to learn many things in short span of time then this book can help you. Its for user level: intermediate to advanced. This one is for exam 70-306 of MCAD (Microsoft Certified Application Developer). Again this book is more like a quick reference. For detailed study, use other books. One of them is Prep Logic series Training Guides.

20. Peter Drucker's different management books in audio form -

21. On the Profession of Management - by Peter Drucker - This book is the first one I read from this author & found pretty interesting. It covers theory of business, decision making, how to approach in filtering & executing ideas, on innovation, importance of focusing on basic functions, managing unexpected successes & failures etc.

22. The Essential Drucker - by Peter Drucker - This one covers the introduction of management & all the essential writings by Peter Drucker. Its amazing. First section "Management" covers a lot on entrepreneurship too along with introduction to management. Especially I liked chapter 12 on "Entrepreneurial Strategies". Its 2nd section "Individual" addresses effectiveness, focus on contribution, identifying & capitalising on strengths, time management, decision making, communications, leadership, innovation & leading life. I recommend all to read this book.

23. How to stop worrying & start living - by Dale Carnegie - Extracts from this book can be found at

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